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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-11-18

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:26 sivoais joined #dataverse
03:24 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
03:24 dataverse-user hello
06:55 Virgile joined #dataverse
12:13 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:15 donsizemore51 joined #dataverse
14:35 Virgile Hello there
14:37 Virgile Anyone know how is reacting dvinstall script if we launch it on 2 different servers for the same postgresql server ?
15:04 pdurbin joined #dataverse
15:14 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:15 pameyer Virgile: I know the previous dvinstall script wanted an empty database, so two app servers and one db server would need some hand-holding.  but that install script has gone through a total rewrite since I've looked at it, so I'm not sure that's still the case
15:17 poikilotherm donsizemore: I just stumbled over your
15:17 poikilotherm I gave you proper credit:
15:20 wzb-adam joined #dataverse
16:16 pdurbin Virgile: hmm. You might want to email about that.
16:18 pdurbin poikilotherm: cool about the mail stuff. It's always been a pain.
16:28 poikilotherm Do you think I should split in two PRs or keep it in one?
16:29 pdurbin Uh, I haven't look at in depth yet. Did you see question I had for you and pameyer about the payara one? I'm still catching up on my email.
16:30 pameyer pdurbin: not sure I saw that question
16:34 pdurbin pameyer: here:
16:35 pdurbin but I'm guessing that conf/docker-aio/testdata is in a .gitignore based on poikilotherm's comment
16:40 pameyer thanks - I'll take a look
16:41 wzb-adam hi everyone. it seems we can't link dataverses into dataverses on the same hierarchy level (but they dont share the same parent dataverse). Or well, we *can* link them (API gives back 200 and an database entry is added properly), but they don't show up being linked in those dataverses. We are not sure whether this is a bug or a feature (?)
16:43 pdurbin wzb-adam: sounds like a bug. What if you reindex the datasets (or everything)? Do they show up?
16:45 wzb-adam pdurbin: did a full reindex and reindexed the dataverses we want to link to (both didnt help). havent tried reindex datasets yet - do you mean the datasets inside the dataverses to be linked or inside the linking dataverses?
16:48 pdurbin A full reindex should do it. Sounds like a bug. If you're willing, please go ahead an open an issue at (include the version you're running, please).
16:48 wzb-adam ok thanks, will do!
16:49 pdurbin thanks
17:06 pdurbin poikilotherm: I just left you another review for about docs this time.
17:17 pdurbin Virgile: why are you trying to launch the dvinstall script on two different servers?
17:23 Virgile @pdurbin I'm building an ansible playbook that is installing 1 solr server, 1 postegresql server and... 2 payara servers ^^
17:24 Virgile So I need to launch dvinstall on both
17:27 pdurbin Virgile: it's lunchtime but the short answer is to *not* run dvinstall on the second payara server and instead scp the payara5 directory over.
18:01 donsizemore joined #dataverse
18:03 Virgile I see :)
18:04 Virgile It's evening here that's why I'm barely online..
18:04 Virgile But I'll try this in the next few days.
18:04 Virgile Thank you phil!
18:14 poikilotherm pdurbin whom should I trigger/ping about all the other old stuff in the Like enabling Comet, Sax Factory etc
18:16 poikilotherm By getting rid of that I'll have a very lean setup in containers... :-D
18:54 pdurbin poikilotherm: hmm, just create an issue, I guess.
19:03 poikilotherm Ok
19:30 Virgile joined #dataverse
21:39 pdurbin left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.