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IRC log for #dataverse, 2021-01-29

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:50 poikilotherm2 joined #dataverse
02:36 poikilotherm2 joined #dataverse
06:58 dabukalam2 joined #dataverse
07:23 Virgile joined #dataverse
12:11 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:03 bjonnh joined #dataverse
13:35 poikilotherm2 joined #dataverse
14:00 Virgile joined #dataverse
14:07 Virgile joined #dataverse
14:14 GitterIntegratio joined #dataverse
14:36 poikilotherm2 joined #dataverse
15:08 pdurbin joined #dataverse
15:39 pameyer joined #dataverse
16:03 poikilotherm2 Hey pdurbin
16:04 poikilotherm2 Do you feel like we should do another tech hour on moving configuration things in Dataverse software to use MPCONFIG?
16:11 pdurbin Sure, sounds good.
16:11 pdurbin Do we need to wait for a new version of Payara?
16:12 poikilotherm2 Nah, we shouldn't. As we all know, Dataverse software releases take some time, too.
16:13 poikilotherm2 The new payara release is just making things more easy to use
16:14 pdurbin Do you think it's worth putting together a slide or two?
16:20 poikilotherm2 You think that'll help people understand what this is, what you can do with it?
16:24 pdurbin Yeah. I don't think I have it straight. I have vague memories from before Christmas. Maybe you could talk about it in #draft-devops a bit to remind us. Or point us to an issue. Whatever works for you.
16:44 poikilotherm2 Should I create a Screencast?
16:54 pdurbin That sounds like a lot of work. Is there already an issue that explains the next steps?
16:55 poikilotherm2 Kinda. There are some issues.
16:55 poikilotherm2 I can try to do a screencaat
16:56 poikilotherm2 Maybe easier to explain than lots of text to read
16:56 poikilotherm2 I don't think there is an epic issue about the concept, only about changing individual stuff
16:58 pdurbin Yeah, I think we see the trees, not the forest.
16:59 poikilotherm2 Maybe this is sth to discuss on a Thursday WG meeting?
18:48 pdurbin Maybe at tech hours? Every Tuesday afternoon.
19:01 pdurbin Or during a community call?
19:03 poikilotherm2 From the people I see during community calls, those are usually less techies or devs
19:04 poikilotherm2 So maybe discussing the matter would be better suited for sth like the workgroup and/or tech hours
19:05 pdurbin I mean, the workgroup is supposed to be about metadata.
19:06 pdurbin Should we try to attract the techies and devs to a community call?
19:06 poikilotherm2 Yeah. But we have a draft for anothee
19:06 poikilotherm2 And if the slot on Thursday is available because there is no other meeting, maybe we can reuse it?
19:07 pdurbin Oh, sure. It seems like that slot is going to be open a lot, if that's a better time for you.
19:09 poikilotherm2 It's very convenient for me
19:09 poikilotherm2 And it looked like it is for you folks, too
19:09 pdurbin It's a little bit early for me but it's fine. :)
19:10 pdurbin Sometimes I look tired. :)
19:10 poikilotherm2 Hihihi. Who doesn't in these times?
20:20 pameyer pdurbin: is New School for Social Research something you've heard of?
20:23 pdurbin nope
20:23 pdurbin Is it at Harvard?
20:24 pameyer don't think so - it's got its own .edu
20:24 pdurbin Huh, in NYC and founded in 1919.
20:24 pameyer
20:25 donsizemore and I thought Odum was old school
20:26 pameyer schools are only as old as they feel?
20:26 pdurbin Oh, actually, maybe I do know someone from there.
20:28 pameyer we had a researcher from there land in one of our RT queues asking Open Science type questions
20:29 pameyer not ones I have good answers to, unfortunately
20:30 pdurbin Maybe on topic for the Dataverse list? Or AskCI?
20:31 pameyer dataverse is definately one of the directions I'm pointing to :)
20:40 pdurbin cool, thanks
20:40 pameyer no idea what AskCI is - but if this researcher shows up in the google group (or your rt), it might be my fault
20:42 pdurbin This is AskCI: . You might like it. It's somewhat compute-oriented, I would say. But discussion about data is welcome, and probably open science.
20:43 pameyer thanks

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