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IRC log for #dataverse, 2021-04-27

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:50 sivoais joined #dataverse
06:49 Virgile joined #dataverse
13:16 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
13:20 dataverse-user hi all. i am hosting and running a dataverse installation on a remote vm. i cannot seem to get a dedicated gmail account to send mails to new users/send verification mails at all. i've tried the "Mail Host Configuration & Authentication" steps in the Troubleshooting section of the Installation guide, without luck. i have also double checked using my payara admin account that every value is set according to the gmail protocol for smtp. has
13:20 dataverse-user hi all. i am hosting and running a dataverse installation on a remote vm. i cannot seem to get a dedicated gmail account to send mails to new users/send verification mails at all. i've tried the "Mail Host Configuration & Authentication" steps in the Troubleshooting section of the Installation guide, without luck. i have also double checked using my payara admin account that every value is set according to the gmail protocol for smtp. has
15:02 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:10 lincoln joined #dataverse
16:01 lincoln joined #dataverse
16:03 lincoln Any one have any idea about it still in process or can we use it
16:03 lincoln i mean integrate with Dataverse
16:04 pameyer I think it's still in progress - but I'm not fully up to date on it
16:05 pdurbin joined #dataverse
16:09 pdurbin lincoln: here's the status of DataTags, from a few weeks ago:
16:09 pdurbin Does anyone have any idea about the gmail/smtp question above? Thankfully, that person also posted here:
16:11 pameyer I missed dataverse-user.... my first thought was to check if the server could send email outside dataverse; might be google wanting an out of band auth check
16:12 pameyer but I never tried google smtp with dataverse, so pretty likely I'm off base
16:15 pdurbin Yeah, could be an auth thing. Maybe try with another tool? A Python script or something? As a sanity check?
16:17 pameyer mailx would be my first try; but I'm pretty sure it uses system mail config
16:18 pameyer not sure how to do the equivalent check for payara, or if there's a way
16:19 pameyer mail failures would show up in payara's server.log, right?
16:22 pdurbin Yes, if it's configured.
16:44 lincoln pdurbin: thanks
18:00 pdurbin pameyer: nice to see you in a meeting :)
18:01 pameyer pdurbin: likewise :)
18:02 pameyer one day I'll probably be in a meeting without asking annoying questions, but that's not today ;)
18:04 pdurbin Heh. No no. It seems like you might finally get what you wanted, Globus support.
18:04 pdurbin Lots of momentum at least. :)
18:15 lincoln31 joined #dataverse
18:54 pameyer yup - and it sounded like they tuned up their checksum support :)
19:12 pdurbin "You can just send us a file of checksums" sounds very familiar. :)
20:29 pameyer one of my longstanding globus questions was if you could get checksums from their APIs
20:29 pameyer so, maybe
20:29 pdurbin Perhaps even probably. :)
20:41 pdurbin Ok, I'm heading out before something blows up. Have a good night, everyone. See you tomorrow.
20:41 pdurbin left #dataverse
21:04 pameyer hope you get a chance to enjoy the good weather pdurbin

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.