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IRC log for #dataverse, 2021-04-28

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
06:35 Virgile joined #dataverse
08:50 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
14:01 juancorr joined #dataverse
14:27 pdurbin joined #dataverse
18:03 pdurbin poikilotherm: check out dataverse-react:
18:06 poikilotherm Nice
18:14 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
18:15 nightowl313 hi all ... how are you all doing? still trying to get a store set up using dell isilon s3 ... the endpoint url is using port 9021 ... does anyone know if there is a way to specify a port in the jvm setup?
18:16 pdurbin Specify the port that S3 is running on?
18:17 nightowl313 the endpoint to access the s3 on isilon ... they have it configured to use a specific port
18:18 nightowl313 i'm assuming that would be what I would use in the config for dataverse.files.<id>.custom-endpoint-url to point to the store
18:19 pdurbin Ah. Yes. I would think so.
18:19 nightowl313 i did put a question out to the community on this, but no response ... don't think anyone else has tried this particular storage option
18:20 pdurbin Yes, but I hope we can add Isilon to "Reported Working S3-Compatible Storage" :)
18:20 nightowl313 blazin' a trail!
18:20 pdurbin that's right
18:21 nightowl313 the settings are a little different, they have an access ID and access key, which I hope still maps to the aws access key/secret key .. and "access zone" to aws region
18:22 nightowl313 but so far hasn't worked ... maybe because of the port issue
18:22 nightowl313 or some other thing i have configured wrong!
18:22 pdurbin Sounds like the port would definitely be an issue.
18:23 pdurbin Hopefully the only issue. :)
18:24 nightowl313 i will ask if they can make it 443
18:25 pdurbin Oh, you tried the port in the custom-endpoint-url already?
18:25 nightowl313 yea, it doesn't allow it ... just gives an error message when I try to run the api to add it
18:26 pdurbin What's the error?
18:27 nightowl313 remote failure: JVM option 9021 is invalid because it does not start with a '-'
18:30 pdurbin Weird.
18:31 pdurbin You're putting the full URL in the JVM option? Something like ?
18:32 nightowl313 it's fine if I don't include the port (so, using "/asadmin create-jvm-options "-Ddataverse.files.iso.cus​tom-endpoint-url=<custome endpoint>:9021"
18:32 nightowl313 oh i didn't include the https:// .. will try
18:33 nightowl313 no didn't work still
18:33 nightowl313 could try just adding it to the xml file
18:33 pdurbin Not a bad idea. Or at least look at it in the xml file to make sure it looks ok.
18:34 pdurbin There's a surprising amount of `substring` and `replace` going on with that JVM value.
18:37 pdurbin poikilotherm: you use a non-AWS S3 set up, right?
18:38 poikilotherm pdurbin: yes. Currently using Minio, soonish using Ceph S3 RADOS Gateway
18:38 pdurbin And you use this custom url thing?
18:40 poikilotherm Yes of course
18:40 poikilotherm It's a matter of escaping
18:40 poikilotherm Targeting "http://minio:9000" here
18:40 poikilotherm Kinda similar ;-)
18:41 poikilotherm Remember to escape the colons for JVM props
18:41 poikilotherm Maybe @donsizemore can add this to the Playbook and let ansible do that for y'all like I do in dataverse k8s
18:42 nightowl313 ah if I would only look at the documentation! I see that there are ports for minio listed in there ... i hadn't looked at that
18:43 poikilotherm sed -e 's/:/\:/g'
18:43 poikilotherm GRML
18:43 poikilotherm That got escaped in escaping
18:43 poikilotherm Lemme try with MD style: `sed -e 's/:/\\\:/g'`
18:44 poikilotherm There ya go %)
18:44 nightowl313 lol or edit the xml file and add the port!
18:45 nightowl313 with minio, is there an actual access key and secret key, and region? for this there is just a secret key, and the region, I assume is the "zone"
18:45 poikilotherm That should work, too
18:45 poikilotherm (Without escaping)
18:46 poikilotherm Minio does not bother about zones/regions
18:46 nightowl313 oh so did you just leave that out of the config for aws?
18:46 poikilotherm So it's basically just access key and secret key
18:46 nightowl313 this doesn't have an access key, but an "access ID" which is basically a userid
18:46 nightowl313 i'll try that
18:47 poikilotherm No need to set a zone
18:47 poikilotherm (for minio)
18:48 poikilotherm If that DELL monster wants it, you can provide a custom region with dataverse.files.<id>.custom-endpoint-region
18:49 poikilotherm It will default to dataverse, which is simply ignored by Minio
18:49 nightowl313 oh i was thinking it was needed in the .aws config file ...
18:50 poikilotherm IIRC that one is ignored when using the custom endpoint URL
18:50 poikilotherm Lemme check S3AccessIO class
18:53 poikilotherm OK the region is set when using the custom endpoint url
18:53 poikilotherm And it will default to "dataverse"
18:54 poikilotherm So I guess the setting in ~/.aws/config will be ignored, as there is  more specific config available
18:55 poikilotherm Man I tend to forget how f***d up that code is. 1200 lines and pretty complex. Some day we will do refactoring of the storage subsystem.
18:55 nightowl313 okay, they indicate an "access zone", so maybe that is region
18:56 nightowl313 lol
18:56 nightowl313 i have everything else set, and it shows in dataverse as a store, but if i select it the files won't upload ... have confirmed I can telnet to it
18:57 poikilotherm Please try with a real client
18:57 poikilotherm Either s3cmd or mc. I prefer mc, as the Minio Client is much easier to use with custom S3 implementations.
18:58 nightowl313 oh man there is a "path to bucket" as well
19:00 poikilotherm Buckets with style use either fresh DNS subdomain lipgloss or oldschool path based access bling bling rings
19:00 poikilotherm Minio is of "path based flavor", too
19:01 poikilotherm Actually, most S3 compatible are. No wonder Amazon wants to drop support for that :-D
19:01 poikilotherm (Some support both, like Ceph et al)
19:01 nightowl313 the parameters we were given are: https port for s3,  "access zone",  local account,  bucket name, path to bucket, dns
19:02 poikilotherm Can you scramble the secrets and post the full stuff here?
19:03 poikilotherm That might reveal some of the hidden goodies ;-)
19:05 nightowl313 https port 9021, access zone "awords3", local account "abcd", bucket "test-test
19:05 poikilotherm Sorry, but that does not make much sense...
19:05 nightowl313 path bucket /tst/test/tests3, dns "s3.test.test.coM
19:05 poikilotherm ah
19:05 nightowl313 yea, sorry, trying to post without posting the actual stuff! lol
19:06 poikilotherm Uhm that might hide some necessary stuff to help ya
19:06 nightowl313 access ID = "3_test_test", access key = a normal looking aws access key
19:06 poikilotherm Like I can't tell if the dns part is including some of the path/url or not
19:07 poikilotherm Dell Isilon/OneFS docs say "OneFS support two types of requests when resolving buckets and objects. "
19:08 poikilotherm So I have no idea what flavor your admins are using
19:08 nightowl313 would you mind if i email you?
19:08 poikilotherm Sure, go ahead
19:08 nightowl313 thank you! =)
19:09 poikilotherm You can also reach me on GDCC Community Slack
19:19 poikilotherm BTW using for such info is also a nice option.
19:19 poikilotherm Can be used on
19:22 poikilotherm (There's a burn-after-reading function :-) )
19:22 poikilotherm nightowl313: email received
19:22 poikilotherm OK looks like you people are using the path based access flavor
21:08 pdurbin left #dataverse
21:44 nightowl313 thanks to @poikilotherm for his help on the above .. still working on this, but very close!
21:51 nightowl313 another question for the day ... anyone know why I would not be able to preview text files on a specific dataset? i can preview other file types, such as .png and tab files
21:51 nightowl313 and i can preview .txt files on other datasets
21:52 nightowl313 but if I try to preview .txt files I get "Unable to retrieve file.Please try again. The most common issue is that your login has timed out. If the problem persists, please contact the support team of this data repository. Please include any status code included at the end of this message: error"
21:52 nightowl313 i tried uploading a very simple new txt file and same thing
21:53 nightowl313 the dataset is not published yet, and it is the only dataset so far that we have used the direct upload (this user uploaded 17TB of 155G files!)
21:53 nightowl313 some 365G!
21:57 nightowl313 there is a guestbook on the dataset, but I am logged in as superadmin and preview other files
23:22 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
23:22 nightowl313 i actually think the problem is bigger .. i have a ticket in from before related to issues we were having with v5.3 and will follow up on that ... thanks

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