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IRC log for #dvn, 2013-08-01

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:32 peterbull joined #dvn
02:52 iqlogbot joined #dvn
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13:13 posixeleni joined #dvn
13:13 posixeleni pdurbin: good morning
13:14 pdurbin posixeleni: hi! I was just re-reading yesterday's chat
13:15 posixeleni pdurbin: any questions? I'm going to work adjusting on the high level workflow doc
13:16 posixeleni to reflect that data deposit API will kick in at Journal Article Approval not at Journal Article Publishing
13:16 posixeleni by default
13:18 pdurbin posixeleni: one quick meta question... that doc you just linked to. the "working copy"... does that eventually get merged into one of the docs listed at ?
13:19 posixeleni pdurbin: yes! I will be updating also this one which is for publishers
13:20 pdurbin right right. ok
13:20 pdurbin I'm not in the habit of checking the working copy for updates
13:23 posixeleni working copy just has more details that would be relevant to us ATM but might not really make sense for people reading the website
13:23 pdurbin right
13:24 posixeleni like the whole question of an API key instead of username/password login
13:30 pdurbin posixeleni: sure. that's certainly an implementation detail :)
13:31 pdurbin it's a valid concern... that since passwords are sent via SWORD they must be stored either unencrypted or with reversible encryption
13:32 pdurbin as long as the passwords are sent over HTTPS they are encrypted along the way
13:34 posixeleni does SWORD allow for that type of encryption ?
13:36 pdurbin posixeleni: well, is the section to focus on: 8. Authentication and Mediated Deposit
13:36 pdurbin "implementations MUST support HTTP Basic Authentication in conjunction with a TLS connection"
13:36 pdurbin that's what I'm doing right now
13:36 pdurbin hmm
13:36 pdurbin actually, I should include the full quote
13:37 pdurbin "In [AtomPub] Section 14, implementations MUST support HTTP Basic Authentication in conjunction with a TLS connection. The SWORD Profile relaxes this requirement: SWORD client and server implementations SHOULD be capable of being configured to use HTTP Basic Authentication [RFC2617] in conjunction with a TLS connection as specified by [RFC2818]."
13:38 pdurbin posixeleni: in all of my testing I'm sending passwords over HTTPS
13:42 posixeleni pdurbin: so the API Key would be redundant to have?
13:43 pdurbin posixeleni: API key? what API key?
13:43 posixeleni pdurbin: if we had journals put in an API Key in OJS plugin instead of username and password
13:44 pdurbin hmm
13:44 posixeleni am i misunderstanding this?
13:45 pdurbin no no, it's a great idea but a fair amount of work. probably not a v1 thing
13:45 pdurbin for a long time Twitter users would complain that they would have to give a third party website their actual Twitter password to tweet on their behalf
13:45 posixeleni ok will make a note for v2 implementation consideration
13:46 posixeleni yeah flickr too
13:46 pdurbin and eventually Twitter implemented OAuth
13:46 pdurbin yeah
13:46 pdurbin which solves this problem
13:46 pdurbin but that took years to develop
13:47 pdurbin posixeleni: maybe we should have a Redmine ticket about this... for v2 of the Data Deposit API
13:48 posixeleni want me to ask Gustavo?
13:48 posixeleni he brought this up to me in the 1st place
13:49 pdurbin I'll just make one quick
13:55 pdurbin posixeleni: how does this look?
14:00 * posixeleni looks at redmine
14:04 posixeleni pdurbin: makes sense! also thanks for commenting on the working copy
14:05 * posixeleni high fives pdurbin
14:05 pdurbin lol
15:24 peterbull joined #dvn
15:24 peterbull howdy
15:28 pdurbin peterbull: hello hello. I have you a shout out at [sword-app-tech] SWORD community development and support - :)
15:29 pdurbin and I also asked about the API key thing: [sword-app-tech] using API keys (OAuth?) rather than HTTP Basic Authentication (username/password) in conjunction with a TLS connection -
15:41 peterbull not sure if you've seen this, but there seems to be a little bit of chatter about oauth on a swor list:
15:50 pdurbin peterbull: no, I hadn't seen this. thanks. looks like Richard, the SWORDv2 spec lead said, "I'm quite interested in OAuth (or similar) for security and mediated deposit, but the implementation overhead is fairly significant."
15:51 pdurbin peterbull: huh. this is a different mailing list!  interesting. now I know to search this one too
15:52 pdurbin anyway, I agree with "fairly significant"
15:53 pdurbin which is why I was saying this seems like a v2 thing for the DVN Data Deposit API
15:58 peterbull yeah, that sounds about right given what I've read about implementing oauth
15:59 peterbull @pdurbin are we using the In-progress flag on the dvn side? if so, what does it mean?
16:00 * peterbull reads
16:01 pdurbin peterbull: "As scholarly systems may wish to give the client more control over the publishing process, SWORD uses the In-Progress HTTP header [SWORD001] to allow the client to indicate that a deposit should not yet be injected into any post-submission or pre-publication workflow." --
16:02 pdurbin peterbull: and no, I'm not checking for that header. not yet anyway
16:03 pdurbin peterbull: but this very well may be a good way to change a study from "draft" to "released"
17:05 peterbull joined #dvn
17:55 peterbull joined #dvn
18:13 peterbull1 joined #dvn
19:12 peterbull joined #dvn
19:19 pdurbin peterbull: this just in: "no attempt to use OAuth with SWORD that I'm aware of" --
19:23 peterbull #trailblazers
19:24 pdurbin heh
19:25 pdurbin peterbull: when you're done with your sword client you can implement oauth for us ;)
19:26 peterbull pdurbin: nothing would make me happier
19:26 pdurbin :)
19:29 peterbull pdurbin: presumably "get_atom_sword_statement" is what I want to get the list of files in a study?
19:36 pdurbin peterbull: hmm, that might make more sense than where I've put it for now:
19:43 peterbull pdurbin: ah, i see. i'll see if i can make the python-client hit that
20:56 pdurbin peterbull: ok, but it's subject to change
20:57 peterbull pdurbin: well, i can get it as is for now. however, i don't see all the study-level data in the response. e.g., missing author and abstract
23:49 peterbull joined #dvn

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