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IRC log for #dvn, 2014-05-02

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:29 axfelix joined #dvn
01:40 garnett joined #dvn
03:44 axfelix joined #dvn
03:49 axfelix joined #dvn
08:05 bencomp joined #dvn
08:22 jeffspies_ joined #dvn
08:22 searchbot` joined #dvn
08:27 searchbot_ joined #dvn
08:29 yoh_ joined #dvn
13:00 bencomp joined #dvn
15:39 axfelix joined #dvn
16:08 bencomp pdurbin: could you have a look at
16:15 * pdurbin clicks
16:29 bencomp and say whether it needs @EJB prepended?
16:30 bencomp I see errors in the log
16:30 bencomp [#|2014-05-02T16:17:13.960+0200|WARNING|or​acle-glassfish3.1.2|javax.enterprise.syste​|_Th​readID=83;_ThreadName=Thread-2;|EJB5184:A system exception occurred during an invocation on EJB EditStudyServiceBean, method: public boolean​tStudyServiceBean.isNewStudy()|#]
16:30 bencomp [#|2014-05-02T16:17:13.960+0200|WARNING|oracle-gl​assfish3.1.2|javax.enterprise.system.container.ej​|_ThreadID=83;_ThreadName​=Thread-2;|javax.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException: The EJB does not exist. session-key: <session>
17:06 bencomp oh well, I'm off for the long weekend
17:08 pdurbin whoops. went to lunch. missed all that
18:04 skay pdurbin: I made
18:14 pdurbin skay: +1
19:21 pdurbin skay: have you seen ?
19:28 bencomp joined #dvn
19:46 skay huh, I thought I had it bookmarked but it is not showing up as bookmarked in my pinboard account!
19:47 skay pdurbin: have you seen the funny extranormal data management video?
19:48 skay
19:49 pdurbin no time. must ship. but will check it out later :)
19:50 yoh joined #dvn
20:28 axfelix joined #dvn
21:18 axfelix joined #dvn

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