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IRC log for #dvn, 2014-05-01

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:33 axfelix joined #dvn
02:55 axfelix joined #dvn
03:08 yoh joined #dvn
04:28 axfelix joined #dvn
04:52 garnett joined #dvn
07:25 bencomp joined #dvn
10:52 pdurbin bencomp: I hope you got some sleep!
10:53 bencomp some, not much
10:54 bencomp now you're here: in -Ddvn.handle.auth=<authority>
10:54 bencomp authority = 300:0.NA/prefix, right?
10:56 pdurbin unfortunately, I'm not an authority on authority... or any of this handle/DOI stuff :(
10:56 bencomp that's okay
10:57 bencomp googling "handle service authority" doesn't do much good
10:57 bencomp stick to trial and error
10:58 pdurbin makes sense
10:59 pdurbin bencomp: oh, in addition to support tickets, you could try the Google Group
10:59 bencomp that makes even more sense :)
11:00 pdurbin in theory, the Google Group never sleeps :)
11:02 pdurbin so it might be even more sleep-deprived ;)
13:01 ruebot joined #dvn
13:44 ruebot joined #dvn
13:44 ruebot joined #dvn
14:33 axfelix joined #dvn
14:55 axfelix joined #dvn
15:19 pdurbin bencomp: I am calling for re-inforcements. How are things going?
15:22 bencomp ouch, DVN code is a bit buggy.
15:22 bencomp I just created a user with an empty username, empty everything
15:23 bencomp :S
15:23 bencomp although this is also buggy conttractor code
15:23 bencomp more than DVN perhaps
15:28 bencomp1 joined #dvn
15:35 * pdurbin hopes it's buggy contractor code :)
15:36 pdurbin the dangers of running forked code :)
15:36 pdurbin bencomp1: I believe someone from our team will be emailing you soonish
15:37 bencomp pdurbin: thanks
15:37 bencomp I mostly hope that future code has more documentation :)
15:47 pdurbin :)
15:48 pdurbin me too
15:49 bencomp (including SQL)
15:57 pdurbin bencomp: in general, we're getting away from SQL scripts for reference data... in 4.0 we use curl commands to feed in TSV or JSON files into a RESTful API
15:57 pdurbin to create metadata blocks
15:57 pdurbin to create users and dataverses, etc.
15:58 bencomp interesting
15:58 bencomp so it's all file based?
15:58 pdurbin it's a whole story :)
15:59 pdurbin bencomp: this is how I rebuild my 4.0 dev environment and run my integration tests:
16:06 bencomp oh hey, you published the v4 code
16:07 bencomp and that is quite something
16:10 * pdurbin isn't sure how to take that :)
16:10 pdurbin bencomp: something good I hope :)
16:14 bencomp you can take it as "Ben needs sleep" :)
16:17 pdurbin :)
16:32 pdurbin jeffspies: I'm mentioning your google group:
16:45 pdurbin bencomp: don't sleep yet! my colleague just emailed you! (and cc'd me) :)
17:10 axfelix joined #dvn
17:20 bencomp pdurbin: … and now you have a reply from me!
17:20 bencomp time to go home and eat :)
17:23 pdurbin bencomp: reading it now. thanks
17:23 pdurbin bencomp: eat! eat!
17:25 jeffspies thanks, pdurbin :)
17:26 pdurbin sure
18:16 garnett joined #dvn
18:59 pdurbin axfelix: wow, Jen got this merged in! Allow attributes on dcterms elements in Atom entries by jwhitney · Pull Request #6 · swordapp/swordappv2-php-library -
19:00 axfelix oh man, we should've alerted you to that, huh?
19:00 axfelix :)
19:00 pdurbin heh
19:00 pdurbin no, it's fine
19:00 pdurbin I was just looking at what I believe was the last time we all talked about this "attribute" hack:
19:01 pdurbin axfelix: I've been thinking that I need to reply to the SWORD spec lead anyway here: Re: [sword-app-tech] client SHOULD add Dublin Core terms to the Atom Entry, MAY add any other metadata formats or foreign markup -
19:01 jwhitney joined #dvn
19:01 pdurbin and I was going to own up to the attribute hack
19:02 pdurbin but the SWORD project has already merged the OJS solution in!
19:02 pdurbin so I feel like it's tacit approval for the approach we agreed upon
19:02 pdurbin back in August 2013:
19:03 pdurbin axfelix: I'm not crazy am I? That pull request does represent the attribute hack, right?
19:04 jwhitney Not at all! that's what it's for.
19:04 pdurbin jwhitney: oh hey
19:04 pdurbin welcome back
19:04 pdurbin jwhitney: glad I'm not crazy. good job slipping that hack in :)
19:05 jwhitney haha. Stuart was really quick on the pull request, it was a while ago. Sorry, I htought I'd mentioned it.
19:05 pdurbin jwhitney: oh, you probably did
19:06 pdurbin I swear, the email is just rushing all around me today, like it often does :)
19:07 jwhitney oh, I likely didn't. But glad it's official & not just in a fork.
19:07 pdurbin me too
19:08 pdurbin jwhitney: i assume only the PHP client library supports this though
19:08 jwhitney joined #dvn
19:08 pdurbin not the Java, Ruby, and Python ones
19:09 jwhitney make that a heavily qualified "official"
19:09 pdurbin heh
19:09 bencomp joined #dvn
20:51 pdurbin jwhitney: ok, I finally replied on about our hack to the sword mailing list: Re: [sword-app-tech] client SHOULD add Dublin Core terms to the Atom Entry, MAY add any other metadata formats or foreign markup -
20:51 pdurbin axfelix: blood on your hands too ;)
20:51 axfelix out, damned spot
20:52 pdurbin lolz
20:57 garnett joined #dvn
22:25 bencomp of course, it's the firewall! :S
22:29 garnett joined #dvn

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