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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-12-02

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:55 donsizemore joined #dataverse
01:55 donsizemore bencomp pdurbin: thank you for the readme! i tweaked it a little and added a usage example
01:56 donsizemore you all absolutely won't step on my toes by ripping things out and replacing with something better. i was hoping for your expertise in the glassfish configuration section =)
03:39 axfelix joined #dataverse
05:20 axfelix joined #dataverse
08:13 jri joined #dataverse
09:02 bencomp joined #dataverse
09:06 jri left #dataverse
13:17 jri_ joined #dataverse
15:22 donsizemore joined #dataverse
15:42 shauna joined #dataverse
15:42 LyndsySimon joined #dataverse
15:42 mjturk joined #dataverse
15:42 searchbot joined #dataverse
15:42 pdurbin joined #dataverse
15:42 jri_ joined #dataverse
15:42 jeffspies__ joined #dataverse
15:42 donsizemore joined #dataverse
15:42 sivoais joined #dataverse
15:42 yoh_ joined #dataverse
15:43 romainM joined #dataverse
15:43 JonathanNeal joined #dataverse
15:59 skay joined #dataverse
15:59 bricas joined #dataverse
16:00 shauna pdurbin: sure, I can give some advice re: wording for the job advert
16:17 sivoais joined #dataverse
16:33 bencomp joined #dataverse
16:34 petrichor joined #dataverse
16:34 balo joined #dataverse
16:34 skay joined #dataverse
16:34 bricas joined #dataverse
16:43 pdurbin shauna: great! my version is a variation on what's already posted at
16:44 pdurbin hold on while I pastebin it
16:46 bricas joined #dataverse
16:46 skay joined #dataverse
16:46 balo joined #dataverse
16:46 petrichor joined #dataverse
16:49 pdurbin shauna: ok. here's my version. just a draft, of course:
16:50 pdurbin what do you think?
16:51 pdurbin shauna: I tried to take to heart your feedback on a previous version where you said "It's also just a list of things you should be.  Have a PhD!  Be a strong programmer!  Be familiar with databases!  There's only a few short bits about what you're expected to *do*."
16:51 pdurbin hopefully this is better. tells more about what one would *do* on the job
16:57 sivoais joined #dataverse
17:07 axfelix joined #dataverse
18:01 * shauna clicks the pastebin link
18:02 shauna "the successful candidate will have a degree" what does this mean?
18:02 shauna It reads to me as "don't apply unless you have a degree", but it's really weird phrasing (which to be fair I've seen before) so I could be wrong.
18:02 pdurbin "the successful candidate will have a degree in a quantitative field"
18:03 shauna Yes, but does that mean people should not apply unless they have a degree in a quantitative field?
18:03 pdurbin um
18:03 pdurbin I probably should have changed that.
18:03 shauna :)
18:03 pdurbin good point
18:04 pdurbin I tried to keep most if it in the original voice.
18:05 shauna I parse the "needed experience" section as including: strong programming experience, knowledge of linux, knowledge of shell scripting, databases, mercurial and git.
18:05 pdurbin yeah, more or less
18:05 shauna I don't pass that test, because I don't know mercurial.
18:05 pdurbin whoops
18:06 pdurbin should have been an or
18:06 bencomp joined #dataverse
18:06 shauna How much shell scripting will this candidate need to do?  My experience is that it's pretty easy to pick up.
18:07 pdurbin oh, probably not that much
18:07 shauna If you want your person to have all of these attributes before applying, with no room to be trained into them on the job, then your language is good.
18:08 shauna But a lot of people, especially women, assume that statements like "necessary" and "essential" are for real and won't apply unless they have them.
18:08 shauna So someone might be a total catch, with lots of experience in many of the areas, but not realize that you're willing to get them up to speed on shell scripting, for instance.
18:09 pdurbin that makes sense
18:09 pdurbin shauna: is it at least better about describing what the person would do?
18:09 shauna Yes, definitely.
18:09 pdurbin cool
18:09 pdurbin that was my main goal
18:11 shauna Glad to be of help.  :)
18:12 pdurbin shauna: thanks again
18:22 bricas hey y'all. is there an option to disable the automatic unzip of files on upload? or am i stuck zipping a zip? (since it seems to only go 1 level deep)
18:24 pdurbin bricas: you're stuck zipping a zip
18:25 pdurbin bricas: please see To zip or not to zip · Issue #2107 · IQSS/dataverse -
18:42 metamattj joined #dataverse
18:44 sivoais joined #dataverse
18:44 bricas pdurbin: thanks!
18:48 pdurbin any time
19:20 sivoais joined #dataverse
19:57 bencomp joined #dataverse
20:07 JonathanNeal joined #dataverse
20:08 bricas pdurbin: have a sec to chat DOI stuff?
20:16 LyndsySimon joined #dataverse
20:23 pdurbin bricas: shoot
20:25 bricas pdurbin: (i gotta leave soon, but just leave me a note if you could and i'll read it in a bit)
20:26 bricas pdurbin: anyway, my q:
20:26 pdurbin (me too)
20:26 bricas pdurbin: are DOIs in dataverse an all or nothing thing? we can't say these ones don't get dois, but these do?
20:26 pdurbin pretty sure it's all or nothing
20:27 pdurbin every dataset gets a DOI
20:27 pdurbin well, a persistent identifier
20:27 pdurbin only DOI is supported at the moment
20:27 bricas my org wants to use dataverse to house secondary data, which probably already has a doi at the source, but we probably shouldn't generate one (though i don't think it's all that bad)
20:27 jeffspies__ joined #dataverse
20:28 bricas pdurbin: is there no support?
20:29 pdurbin bricas: DRAFT - Handle Functional Requirements Document (FRD)
20:30 pdurbin not in Dataverse 4. not yet
20:30 pdurbin bricas: it sounds like you want to use "other id" or whatever we call it
20:30 bricas oh?
20:31 pdurbin yeah. "Other ID"
20:32 pdurbin
20:34 bricas is this an editable field somewhere?
20:34 pdurbin yep
20:36 bricas ah. there it is!
20:37 bricas so, we can mint identifiers outside dataverse and then enter them as needed.
20:37 pdurbin yep
20:38 bricas okay. thanks again. :)
20:38 bricas cheers.
20:38 pdurbin cheers

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.