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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-12-13

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:31 sh0rtwave joined #dataverse
02:15 jri joined #dataverse
05:44 sh0rtwave left #dataverse
07:41 juancorr joined #dataverse
08:18 jri joined #dataverse
08:31 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
08:31 dataverse-user Hi All
08:32 dataverse-user I am in Botswana at the Botswana Harvard AIDS Institute Partnership
08:33 dataverse-user I would like my institution to join the Dataverse community. We have setup a dataverse server and we want to start using, but i was wondering if there is anything we have to do or follow or get a license for this
08:58 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
10:17 pdurbin hmm, whoops, didn't see this until *after* I replied at
11:16 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:46 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
13:54 pdurbin Good morning. Is anyone blocked?
13:54 poikilotherm Good morning :-)
13:55 poikilotherm Kind of. Awaiting input from @landreev, @djbrooke via mail and possibly more.
13:55 poikilotherm Working on stuff for the community call
13:56 poikilotherm Is there a regular community call on schedule for next week?
13:57 poikilotherm I was thinking interested parties might just stay longer for the topic...
13:57 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:58 pdurbin I have my one on one with Danny in an hour. I assume we're having a call but I'll ask.
14:01 poikilotherm I am aware of timezones... ;-) I don't blame him for not having responded yet, its just timezones and my curiosity
14:01 poikilotherm Would be glad if you could ask him about a call.
14:02 pdurbin a call?
14:02 poikilotherm Community call
14:02 pdurbin ok, the call :)
14:02 poikilotherm Sry, we wrote mails about internship and I wait for his next response
14:03 poikilotherm Was mixing up stuff
14:03 poikilotherm Too many things in parallel :-D
14:03 poikilotherm THE call ;-)
14:03 pdurbin concurrent lock exception
14:03 poikilotherm Yeah
14:05 pdurbin we're also going to talk about
14:10 poikilotherm
14:10 poikilotherm Oh cool!
14:10 pdurbin ah, thanks for working on that doc
14:11 poikilotherm There are chances I might attend it, depends on construction work and instute purse...
14:11 pdurbin I should know more soon.
14:11 poikilotherm institute
14:12 poikilotherm Dunno how many coins are left inside for next year... ;-)
14:12 pdurbin :)
14:13 poikilotherm pdurbin: I would be glad if you could talk with @djbrooke about how to get some kind of workplan together for an internship. He has details...
14:13 pdurbin ok, it's on my list
14:13 poikilotherm Thx
14:14 pdurbin oh, here's something I'd like opinions on... this newly funded project about an open source health index:
14:17 poikilotherm This sounds fancy and could be an interesting topic for Open Science Days
14:17 poikilotherm A lot of people from the german RSE community are heading there
14:17 poikilotherm You might find an very open audience for these ideas
14:18 poikilotherm There is a lot of chatter about how to measure research software work and how to honor good quality.
14:18 poikilotherm Some kind of health index might be a valuable piece in the recipe
14:19 pdurbin yeah
14:20 poikilotherm Sry, chatter is inappropriate
14:20 poikilotherm Talks / conversations
14:21 pdurbin sure, reproducibility for example, could be better
14:22 pdurbin I wonder how many in the RSE community know about this new site:
14:22 poikilotherm Yeah thats another piece of the puzzle. But it needs sophisticated tools, data repos and reporting
14:22 poikilotherm Oh I don't know, but I will share :-d
15:32 pameyer joined #dataverse
16:26 sivoais joined #dataverse
16:51 pdurbin pameyer: dunno if you saw but Leonid got the API tests running on phoenix.
16:51 pameyer pdurbin: I did see
16:52 pameyer that's what lead me to the datacite status page.  which doesn't have status for the test mds, but does have a notice posted about downtime that I hadn't gotten a notification about
16:52 pameyer probably need to sign up for yet more email
16:53 pdurbin but nothing about past incidents. hmm. at
19:11 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
20:13 pdurbin pameyer: are you interested in a fake PID provider for docker-aio? I just made a pull request.
20:15 pameyer pdurbin: sure
20:16 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
20:18 pdurbin pameyer: any interest in piling on to that branch or would you rather wait for it to get merged?
20:19 pdurbin dataverse-user: hi. welcome
20:20 dataverse-user pdurbin: thanks, I'm trying to find out costs associated to dataverse (e.g., if we don't want to run dataverse on our servers and simply use the Harvard one)
20:21 pdurbin dataverse-user: ah, you should email the Harvard-specific address to ask. One sec.
20:22 dataverse-user aha! sorry! as you can see, I'm somewhat lost.
20:22 pdurbin dataverse-user: or you can fill in the form by clicking "Support" at
20:22 pameyer dataverse-user: there are many communications channels :)
20:23 pdurbin dataverse-user: there's also "Using Harvard Dataverse for your institution" at
20:23 dataverse-user can't thank you enough!
20:24 dataverse-user left #dataverse
20:24 pameyer pdurbin: any objections if I add the docker-aio configs for FAKE to your PR?
20:25 pdurbin pameyer: no objections as long as you pull it out of code review
20:25 pdurbin ... and put it in dev, assign it to yourself, etc
20:27 pdurbin the normal song and dance :)
20:31 pameyer may not get that far....
20:33 pdurbin that's fine
20:35 pameyer looks like it may have odd intersections with setupIT in my hands
20:35 pameyer reading it looked fine though
20:36 pdurbin oh
20:36 pdurbin I went for the smallest possible change. Didn't touch the installer.
20:37 pameyer setupIT sitesteps the installer
20:37 pameyer sidesteps
20:38 pameyer did you try it on phoenix?
20:40 pdurbin nope
20:43 pdurbin smallest possible effort too, I guess :)
20:46 pameyer looks like something's up in that branch - setupIT in docker-aio doesn't work with previous settings
20:47 pameyer if it's related, but I'd thought develop worked
20:47 pdurbin hmm
20:53 pameyer oddness - 881694bb1e607b45d52da3f8e3fe78c26096488e was working w\ defaults yesterday, not today
21:19 pameyer got interrupted - but according to ; that commit passed yesterday
21:20 pameyer and today it won't even finish getting setup
21:53 pdurbin gremlins
22:07 pameyer yup
22:12 pameyer leaving myself on that one as a reminder to retry tomorrow
22:54 pdurbin cool

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.